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参考例句:We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first我们赶在竞争对手之前,先把产品推向市场。All Jeff’s hard work is paying off. He’s a leg up on the rest of his competitors.杰夫的努力是有报答的。他在竞争对手中占了上风。Their competitors are caught napping while they are responding to complex prospect requirements.他们正在回应复杂的潜在客户需求,而竞争对手却措手不及。Contract requirements,competitor analysis,benchmarking, and processes due to statutory or regulatory requirements.合同要求;竞争对手的分析;水平对比;法律法规要求的过程。China can help counterbalance Pakistan’s arch-rival, India, including in Afghanistan.中国能帮助制约巴基斯坦的主要竞争对手印度,以及阿富汗。 Everybody wants to do the competitors down.每个人都想击败竞争对手。The competitors jostled with one another for bank loans.竞争对手为取得银行贷款相互竞争。We soon knocked over our competitor. 我们很快打败了我们的竞争对手。He distance all other competiors.他远远超过了其它的竞争对手。She and I are rivals for the swimming prize.我和她是游泳比赛奖的竞争对手。competitor是什么意思:n. 竞争者;参赛者The competitors were prostrated by the heat. 竞赛者们由于天气炎热而力不从心。The first prize was possessed to the youngest competitor. 一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。 (of a contest) with no competitor who is a certain winner(指竞赛)没有一个参赛者有必胜把握的。Everybody wants to do the competitors down.每个人都想击败竞争对手。The day after that, the emergence of a new competitor.今后的每一天都可能出现新的竞争对手。opponent是什么意思:n. 对手;反对者adj. 对立的;敌对的He dished his opponents.他挫败了对手。The government was defeated by the obstructionism of their opponents.政府受到反对派阻挠而挫败。The fighters cleaned up on their opponents. 战士们彻底打败了他们的敌人。To defeat(a boxing opponent) by a knockout.击倒对手通过击到对方而击败(拳击比赛中的对手) The footballer was cautioned for a foul on an opponent.那个足球运动员因对对手犯规而受到警告。



