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销量的英文:sales volume

参考例句:It changed to tabloid last year and saw its sales increase greatly.英国《独立报》去年改版,结果销量大增。The newspaper has sales of 1.72 million.该报纸有 172 万份的销量。 The cellphone sales have reached a new high手机销量达到了新高Sales still happen, but buyers are more selective.销量仍在,但购买者更加挑剔。The publicity for the book was poor and sales were low.该书宣传工作没有做好,所以销量不大.International sales and profits also grew substantially.国外地区的销量与获利亦大幅增加。Vast sales of ice-cream in the hot weather天热时冰激凌的巨大销量The year under review saw a decline in the sales of the Group’s environmentally friendly products.本年度内,集团的环保产品销量下降Sales are growing for premium wines, but at a bare 2 percent a year.高档酒的销量正在增长,但年增长率只有2%。The product needed better billing to outsell its competition.这种产品需要更好的促销来超过其对手的销量sales是什么意思:adj. 销售的,售货的n. 销售(额)Not for sale will be showing.非卖品都将展出。A pickup in sales.销售量好转 The sale department make an accurate forecast of sale.销售部门做了一项准确的销售预测。 The sale department makes an accurate forecast of sale.销售部门做了一项准确的销售预测。contract note of sales发售约书;贸易契约 volume是什么意思:n. 卷,册;体积;大量;音量adj. 大量的v. 收集成卷;成团喷出The volume of trade has receded.贸易额已减少。The purpose of this volume is to exhibit the cell.本书的目的是阐明细胞。 What's the volume of this cylinder? 这个圆筒的体积有多少? The companion volume will soon be published. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世。The volume was handsomely bound.这本书装订得很精美。

