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难受的英文:feel unwellsuffer pain

参考例句:That rumpled mattress was terribly uncomfortable躺在上面硌得难受。He stood outside the door in an agony of indecision.他站在门外,不知如何是好,非常难受.He was hungry, with a gnawing, unwholesome kind of hunger.他感到饥肠辘辘,饿得难受。That was an unpleasant skin eruption.那是一次令人难受的皮疹发作。Tormented by hunger,anxiety,mosquitoes饿得、愁得、蚊子咬得十分难受.I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors.我得对上司惟命是从,这叫我心里实在难受。There stood Shirley in the gallery, looking contrite, ashamed, sorry as any repentant child谢利站在过道上,象个悔悟的小孩那样,显得后悔,羞渐,难受。I won't go into all the depressing details;suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster.我不必细说那些让人听了难受的事,只说一句就够了,整件事是个惨祸。Then, suddenly-as at a whiff of gardenias and cigars -- his heart twitched within him, and he was sorry.后来,猛然间--就好像吸进一口栀子花香味和雪茄烟似的--他的心在里面扭了一下,他真的难受起来了。 I feel awful.我感到很难受。feel是什么意思:v. 感觉;认为;有知觉;摸索n. 感觉,印象feeling of efficacy效力感 Has a feeling for language.对语言有领悟力 You can feel the electricity in the crowd. 你可感到群众的激情。unwell是什么意思:a. 不舒服的,不爽快的,身体不好的suffer是什么意思:v. 受痛苦;变糟;遭受;经历They account them as suffering deservedly whatever they suffer他们认为他们是理所当然地应受一切应受的苦。The roses are suffering from fungus.玫瑰花得了真菌病。His suffering will soon be over.他的苦难就要结束了。



