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上衣的英文:jacketupper outer garment

参考例句:An imposition of 200 dollars on a coat对上衣收的二百元税A wadded dressing-gown,jacket, quilt.棉的晨袍、棉上衣、棉被。She was in a dowdy blue frock她穿了件不大洁净的蓝上衣。Reinforce the elbows of a jacket with leather.以皮革补绽使上衣的肘更耐磨。Mary was done up in her new skirt and blouse.玛丽用新裙子和短上衣打扮自己。A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来,撕破了他的上衣。A short,close - fitting,often sleeveless coat or jacket,usually of leather.皮马甲一种短的紧身的无袖上衣或夹克衫,通常是皮制的。Mary was done up in her new skirt and blouse玛丽用新裙子和短上衣打扮自己。She wore a sexy see-through blouse to the cocktail party.她穿一件性感透明的上衣去参加鸡尾酒会。A single breasted navy blue blazer bearing two silver buttons.单排二颗银色钮扣之深蓝色西装上衣。 jacket是什么意思:n. 短上衣,茄克衫;救生衣;土豆皮;唱片套;公文夹v. 给…穿短上衣,给…包上护套Those are potatoes cooked in their jackets.那是带皮住的土豆。That jacket is so cool.那个唱片套太酷了。the back of a Chinese robe or jacket后襟 upper是什么意思:adj. (地位)较高的;上面的,上部的n. 鞋帮;兴奋剂His upper arms are strong.他的上臂很强壮。having a flat or flattened upper surface.有平的上表面或使上表面变平的。 I live in the upper reaches of the river.我住在河的上游地区。outer是什么意思:adj. 外面的,外部的;客观外界的bearing outer race轴承外座圈 He disclosed the outer covering on the bike. 他揭去自行车上的覆盖物。 He heard a voice in the outer room.他听到外屋有人说话。



