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局外人的英文:not with itoutsiderwallflower

参考例句:Don't be an outsider.不要做局外人。He was just beginning to orientate himself and to feel that he was not wholly an intruder.现在他已摸到了方向,觉得自己不再是局外人。He was just beginning to orientate himself and to feel that he was not wholly an intruder.现在他已摸到了方向,觉得自己不再是局外人。It is easy for an outsider to pick holes in our program一个局外人要想在我们的方案中找缺点是很容易的。A person who is not included in a group;an outsider.局外人,外来人被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人There is no glossing over the problem——not to a puzzled stranger and not to ourselves.答案是显而易见的——对莫名其妙的局外人,对我们自己,都是如此。Be sure not to treat yourself as an outsider, otherwise you will be regarded as arrogant and not sociable.所以千万别做局外人,否则会被认为高傲不合群。To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life在局外人看来这好像是一种田园式的生活。The Stranger is the masterpiece of Albert Camus, which built an enduring monument in French literature.《局外人》作为加缪的经典之作,在法国文学史上立下了一座不朽的丰碑。And because I’m an outsider, I quickly become the object of teasing.并且因为我是一个局外人,我很快成为了取笑的对象。outsider是什么意思:n. 外人,局外人;外部的人;无取胜希望者You're supposed to be the outsider of this game.你在这场比赛不被看好。outside chance; remote possibility.不大可能的机会;极小的可能性。 outside the radius of knowledge在知识范围之外 The outsider sees the most of the game旁观者清The dependents are grateful for outside help.受援助者特别感激外界的帮助。wallflower是什么意思:n. 香罗兰;局外人Step forward to dance, Mary, do not be such a wallflower. 走出来跳舞,玛莉,不要当壁花。"Step forward to dance, Mary, don't be such a wallflower."The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support.墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。He had left his diaries, known as "wallflower", when he left MI5他离开军情5局时留下了自己的日记,大家都叫它“墙头花”。

