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文静的英文:graceful and quiet; gentle and quiet; placid

参考例句:She has a calm and introverted disposition.她性格文静内向。A gentle,quiet and unassuming manner高雅、文静而谦逊的态度.I 'd like something plain and quiet.我想要朴素而文静的。She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.她性情非常文静.Her manner was quiet and very controlled.她举止文静,而且非常冷静。He is very quiet, but his sister is a real live wire.他很文静,但是他的妹妹实在太活跃了.。Miss Arena has a graceful, sedate manner艾瑞那小姐的仪态优雅文静。“You look fresh, and cool and civilized.”“你看起来很精神,文静,有教养。”Silence is the best ornament of a woman.女子端庄文静,胜于披金戴银。He was a quiet child, of a different kidney from his boisterous brothers.他是个文静的孩子,跟他那些吵闹的哥哥们有不同的脾气。graceful是什么意思:adj. 优美的,优雅的;雅致的;得体的to strike a graceful attitude装出和善的态度 To embellish with grace notes.缀以装饰音 There was a pleasing grace in the orderliness of their lives他们的井然有序的生活安详娴雅,令人非常愉快。quiet是什么意思:adj. 安静的;秘密的;素净的n. 寂静;安稳v. 使平静;抚慰;平静下来It was quiet in the streets, awesomely quiet.街上安静得让人有些害怕。quiet diplomacy静默外交; 悄悄的外交; 秘密外交 Quietness is best宁静最好gentle是什么意思:adj. 温和的;高尚的;文雅的v. 使温和,使驯服As gentle as a lamb(象羊羔)性情温顺的This instrument has a gentle quality.这个乐器音色柔和。 The natives were kind and gentle.当地的人很和善,也很斯文。

