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厦门的英文:Xiamen (city)

参考例句:they liberated Foochow on August 17 and amoy on October 17八月十七日解放福州,十月十七日解放厦门。Xiamen with its verdant hills and its mild climate is widely known as the "Garden in the Sea."厦门的青山秀丽,气候温和,有“海上花园”的美称。Xiamen is a picturesque island off the coast of southeast China.厦门是中国东南沿海一个美丽的海滨城市。Taiwanese big shipping service companies such as Lirong, Wanhai, etc. have successively opened routes to Xiamen's port立荣、万海等台湾大船务公司纷纷开通至厦门港的班轮。xiamen是什么意思: 厦门[福建省](旧译Amoy)Xiamen is a picturesque island off the coast of southeast China.厦门是中国东南沿海一个美丽的海滨城市。David told us that it's the best kept secret amongst foreigners in Xiamen that this place is the best in China for living戴维说,在此的外国人都有个心照不宣的秘密——厦门是中国最适合居住的地方!Dell established the China Customer Center (CCC) in Xiamen, Fujian Province, in august 1998 to mirror the manufacturing and professional functions found at the aPCC.戴尔公司参考“亚太客户中心”的生产与专业功能,于1998年8月建设了位于福建厦门的“中国客户中心”(CCC)。 The treatment capacity of the plume cleansing foul water treatment facilities designed by Xiamen GM International CO.,Ltd. was 300 t\d originally.[摘要]厦门GM国际有限公司羽绒洗涤污水处理设施原设计处理能力300t\dcity是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the city of York约克特许市. beleaguer a city围攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.欧洲各城市的整洁使我们的城市相形见绌。 The City Council has a manifold plan to Beautify the city.市政府制定了一个美化城市的多重规化。The army policed the conquered city.军队管制这个被占领的城市。



