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讲述的英文:talk aboutnarrate an account

参考例句:To recount as if true.煞有介事的讲述Tell the tale of one's experiences讲述自己的经历He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity.他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,给人以深刻的印象。This is a saga of motherly love.这是一个讲述母爱的传奇故事。Lo spoke dispassionately about his experience罗不动感情地讲述着他的经历。Lo spoke dispassionately about his experience in these years.罗不动感情地讲述着他这些年的经历。The Downfall, written and produced by Bernd Eichinger, follows Hitler's final days leading up to his suicide.由伯恩·伊钦格编剧和制作的电影《希特勒的衰亡》讲述了希特勒自杀前最后的一段时光。The soft and fluffy residents of Sesame Street will soon speak in Hindi to engage Indian children with local stories."芝麻街"中那些软软的、毛绒绒的居民很快就会操着印度语,给印度的孩子们讲述当地的故事了。Monologue paraphrase独白式讲述She told of the days gone by.她讲述了流逝的岁月。talk是什么意思:n. 交谈;谈话,会谈;闲话,空谈;讲话;说话的方式v. 交谈;有说话的能力;商讨;说;说闲话;提供情况Talk Billingsgate说脏话They will have a talk at meals.他们将在进餐时讨论。That is a talking crow那是一只会说话的乌鸦。about是什么意思:prep. 关于;大约;从事于;在…到处adv. 附近adj. 在附近的;即将...的There was nobody about.附近没有人。Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky. 奇怪的是:这种陈词滥调和关于通奸的研究一样普遍。 She has a complex about rats.她对老鼠有病态恐惧。narrate是什么意思:v. 叙述;给…作旁白A biography is a form of narration. 传记是一种记叙形式的文体。He's the narrator of the documentary.他是纪录片的解说员。Our life is full of narration.我们的生活中充满了故事。



