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留学的英文:study abroad

参考例句:Indicate the nature of the programme you wish to undertake in China please tick来华留学类别(请在方框内画“√”)His large oil paintings done when he studied in Europe used realistic methods to reveal his ideas.他从欧洲留学期间所带回的作品就是用写实手法表现的主题性巨幅油画。I intend to study abroad.我打算出国留学。He resolved on going abroad to study. 他决定到海外留学。More personnel will be sent to study abroad.派更多的人员出国留学。I hope to be able to study abroad before long.我希望能很快就去留学Work out a new policy of sending students abroad for (academic)studies制定新的出国留学政策Not until she got married did she study abroad.她直到婚后才去留学Especially since many have turned out to be fake.尤其事实证明很多留学中介并不合格。The Red Surgeon had studied in Europe and knew his business这位红军医生曾留学欧洲,精通医道study是什么意思:n. 学习,研究;结论,研究成果;学问,课题;书房v. 学习,研究;细察;端详There is no satiety in study学无止境This is a studied remark.这是经过深思熟虑的评语。 This is a macrocosm study.这是一个整体性研究creation and study创作与习作 Social studies is the study of how man lives in societies.社科课程是对人们怎样在社会中生活的研究。abroad是什么意思:adv. 在国外;到国外;广为流传;户外They reside abroad.他们居住在国外。The secret store is headquartered abroad.这家黑店的总部设在国外。A saint abroad and a devil at home在外是圣人,在家是魔鬼He is travelling abroad.他要到国外旅行。The news spread abroad.那消息四处传播。

