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夫妇的英文:a couplehusband and wife

参考例句:A childless couple无子女的夫妇The couple gave a dinner party in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary.这对夫妇设宴庆祝他们的银婚纪念日。He noted the disharmony between husband and wife.他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦.The couples were checked every two years and the model predicted which marriages failed with almost complete accuracy.对这些夫妇每两年调查一次,而预测哪对夫妇的婚姻会失败的模型几乎是完全准确。For instance couples who are infertile or have genetic disorders could use cloning to produce a child.例如不孕或遗传紊乱的夫妇可以通过克隆来生育婴儿。 But on balance we had more fun together than most couples of our age.不过总的来说,我们在一起的乐趣要比我们同辈大多数夫妇之间的乐趣多。One stern commentor declared that at this point the poem portrays couples who wish to evade parentage.有一位苛刻的评注者宣称该诗在这里是描写逃避生儿育女的夫妇。Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are shown to their usual pew by an usher.韦佛夫妇由一个招待员领到他们常坐的那长椅上去。We invited a select group of fifty-two Detroit area couples to our car styling showroom.我们挑选了底特律地区一组52对夫妇,请他们到我们的汽车款式陈列室。The leakeys found a lower jaw, some skull bones, and some limb bones that provided the necessary clues利基夫妇找到了可提供必要线索的一块下颌骨、一些头骨和肢骨。couple是什么意思:n. 对,双;配偶,夫妻;数个v. 连接,结合;加上;性交;成婚bayonet coupling卡口式联结 It is not every couple that is a pair成双并非皆配偶Every couple is not a pair同床异梦,貌合神离husband是什么意思:n. 丈夫v. 节俭使用He will make an excellent husband.他会成为一个非常好的丈夫。Her husband is a stroke.她丈夫是个尾桨手。My husband is a golf nut.我丈夫是个高尔夫迷。 wife是什么意思:n. 已婚女子,妻子Ann was cast as the wife.安妮被选派扮演妻子的角色。 My wife was there among others.我妻子和其他一些人在那儿。The wife is the key of the house妻子是家庭的关键



