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甘蔗的英文:canesugar cane

参考例句:Sugarcane is needed to make rum.甘蔗是制造朗姆酒的必须品。Was prepd. from a charge contg. 50 clay and 50 vol.% sugar cane waste by firing at 1350oC for 2 hours.此材料是将50%(体积比)的粘土和50%的甘蔗废料在1350℃的温度下灼烧2小时制备而成的。A cane mill甘蔗榨汁机A dense thicket of cane.甘蔗丛茂密的甘蔗林When does sugar cane mature?甘蔗什么时候成熟?A coffee [rubber, sugar] plantation咖啡[橡胶,甘蔗]园And it has an inflorescence that looks something like a corn tassel.甘蔗的花序有点像玉米的天花。Bagasse fibre: Fibre sometines used in paper-making obtained from sugar cane.蔗渣纤维:甘蔗压榨后的蔗渣纤维,可作造纸用。The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.甘蔗渣在汁液被榨完以后剩下的甘蔗废料The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的. cane是什么意思:n. 细长的茎,手杖,藤条v. 以杖击,以藤编制的He switched the boy with a cane. 他用手杖抽打那个小孩。The headmaster caned the boys for disobedience.校长用藤条责打不听话的男学生。English schoolmasters used to cane the boys as a punishment.英国小学老师过去常用教鞭打男学生作为惩罚。The fish are fed on the silkworm droppings and cane leaves鱼以蚕沙和藤叶喂养。The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.甘蔗渣在汁液被榨完以后剩下的甘蔗废料sugar是什么意思:n. 食糖;一匙糖;一块方糖;宝贝儿v. 在...中加糖a spoon of sugar一匙糖 Is this tea sugared?这茶放糖了吗?Fill the sugar bowl, please.请把糖碗装满。Dust sugar on to a cake.将糖撒在糕点上。 with or without milk,with or without sugar.有人愿意在茶中加奶,有人却不愿意有人爱加糖,有人却不爱加糖。



