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升值的英文:rise in valueappreciate

参考例句:an unappreciated investment.未升值的投资Run up the price of the company's stock.使公司股票的价格升值The value of sterling has risen.英镑已经升值。He was promoted to judicature a few days ago.他前几天被升值做了法官。But that is before factoring in currency appreciation.但这还没有考虑到货币升值的因素。During the rally, almost all assets rose in tandem. 在经济重整期,几乎所有的资产都相继升值。By the same token, it would help if local currencies were allowed to strengthen. 出于同样的原因,允许本币升值也是有益的。Countries such as West Germany and Holland revalued their currencies一些国家,象联邦德国和荷兰,曾将货币升值。China may be allowing it to drift higher to stave off American retaliation.中国可能会允许它升值的更高,从而延缓美国的报复。This does not preclude an appreciation of the yuan when the time is right.但这并不排除人民币在适当时机进行升值的可能性。rise是什么意思:n. 上升,升起;出现,兴起;增加;增长;高地v. 上升;增强,增加;起立;起床;高耸;使…飞起;使…浮上水面;复活;发酵to erect; to rise竖立 Prices are on the rise.价格在上涨。To rise with the crow of cocks—assiduity and early rising鸡鸣而起value是什么意思:n. 价值;价格;重要性;益处;等值;等价物;价值观念;社会准则;标准v. 给...估价;给...定价;评价;尊重;重视;珍视A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.属性值不在接受范围内。The value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority.所提供的值是无效的标识符颁发机构的值。These coins are not equal value.这些硬币的币值不等。appreciate是什么意思:v. 感激,感谢;欣赏,重视;理解,体会appreciation [of situation]判断〔局势〕 Antique paintings will appreciate with time.古董画会随时间增值。Land will continue to appreciate. 土地将继续增值。



