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完了的英文:be overhave had itOne's tale is toldThat's allthe jig is upthis much

参考例句:Out of stock;sold out售完了I'm sorry we've run short of loose-leaf notebooks.对不起,活页簿已售完了。Electrically discharged.电用完了的We have run out of sugar.我们的糖用完了。The vending machine is sold out of Oolong tea.自动售货机的乌龙茶卖完了。"I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame"我认为,人丧失了廉耻就完了Put your knife and fork down on the plate if you've finished eating.要是你吃完了就把刀叉放在盘子上。When he finished his recitation, there was a spatter of applause他朗诵完了以后,有阵稀稀落落的掌声。Snap into it,kids.I'll giver your candy when you finish.快点干吧,孩子,干完了我给你们糖吃。They polished off a quart of vodka between them他们两人很快就喝完了一夸脱伏特加酒。over是什么意思:adv. (倒)下;从一边到另一边;越过;再;结束prep. 在…之上;越过;在…的另一边(对面);由于;从一边到另一边adj. 过去的;结束的;外面的;上面的v. 越过chew over; think over考虑;详细讨论 I have failed over and over and over again in my life. 我一生中失败了一次又一次。"Over shoes, over Boots"一不做,二不休have是什么意思:v.[T]1.有2.怀有,知道,明白,表示(同情等)3.做(动作),从事4.吃,喝,吸(烟)5.取得,接受6.享受,遭受7.[常与否定连用]允许,容忍8.邀请,接待,放置9.[后接不定式]必须,不得不10.坚持说11.生育12.【口】胜过,取得对…的控制13.【口】[常用被动态]哄骗,上当14.雇用15.【俚】贿赂,收买16.【俚】[在两性关系方面]占有,与(女人)性交aux.v.1.[加过去分词,构成完成时]已经,曾经2.[用于虚拟语气]n.1.[常作haves]富人,富国,拥有者2.【俚】欺骗,诈骗had是什么意思:v. [have] 的过去分词形式;有,使They had had a row, and she had locked him out of the apartment.他们吵了一架,于是她把他锁在公寓外面。The defendant claimed that he had not had a fair trial.被告声称未获公正审讯.While they had been unconscious, the world had changed.她们不知道就在自己失去知觉的那段时间里世界发生了变化。



