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体会的英文:know (through learning or by experience)

参考例句:A nude party.天体会;一群裸体者。Enjoyment of being Sina VIP member, double mail protection体会新浪VIP尊崇感受,拥有双重邮件保护We may also look forward to the application of superconductors in electric cables我们还可以预见超导体会应用到电缆上去。The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.世上最不幸的人就是那些从未体会过阅读坐作所带来快乐的人。These liquid backgrounds will mesmerize you and add real production value to any project.这些液体会迷住你的背景和增加实际生产价值的任何项目。Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。The body is corruptible but the spirit is incorruptible.肉体会腐败,但精神不腐朽。Our bodies will be gone, but blood is forever.我们的身体会离去,但血液是永恒的。"Small things affect light minds" was the sentiment of a great master of the passion of love.“细微的事打动轻快的心”,这是一位恋爱大师的体会。 Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. 全神贯注的体会天国全然和平的支持和伟大的存在。

know是什么意思:v. 知道,了解,懂得;认识,熟悉;认出;体验;见到过,听到过Learn not and know not不学无术Know/not know what is most important and act accordingly能[不能]按轻重缓急行事Do you know that lady?你认识那位夫人吗?

through是什么意思:prep. 通过,穿过,凭借,由于,从始至终,遍及,完成、耗尽,不顾,贯穿adv. 直达,从头至尾,电话接通adj. 直达的,完成的、结束的,电话接通的Have you got through?电话接通了吗? To foretell through or as if through the art of divination.占卜,预言通过或似通过占卜术预言Lasting or active through the year or through many years.常绿的全年或多年都充满生机

learning是什么意思:n. 学习;学问v. learn的现在分词Live to learn and learn to live生而学之,学而生之Learn not and know not不学无术There is no shortcut to learning.学问无捷径。


