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参考例句:Be aware that the infant will cough, sputter, and choke during feedings注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。The woman pushed the perambulator dong the pavement.那女人推着小儿摇篮车,沿着人行道向前走着。Some children with acute pharyngitis complain of abdominal pain and are febrile有些患急性咽炎的小儿诉说腹痛且有发热。Illnesses common among children小儿常见病.Temperature taking is intrusive and will upset the child.测量体温是对小儿烦扰,会使小儿不安。The treatment of infant asthma with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine is the specialty of our hospital.中西医结合治疗小儿哮喘病,是本院特色专科。Application of Follow-up Guidance Card in Department of Child Urology出院随访指导卡在小儿泌尿外科中的应用 That sneering young cub got taken down a peg or two on that occasion当时那个傲气十足的黄毛小儿被我压了一压。Measles:(or rubeola):Highly contagious viral childhood disease.痲疹:由滤过性毒菌引起的、高度传染的小儿疾病。Small children: 1\2 tablet, once daily.小儿:每次1;2片,1日1次。

wean是什么意思:vt. 使断奶,使丢弃,使断念n. 小儿Wean sb(away)from drugs,drinking,gambling,etc使某人渐渐戒毒、戒酒、戒赌等.Vicky: Yes, she keeps saying I ought to try to wean myself off sugary and fatty foods.维琪:是啊,她不断说我应尽量戒吃多糖、脂肪食物。 The child was weaned, and her separation from her son - permanent separation - was already a foregone conclusion.先是孩子断了奶,又叫道士们来给孩子度了一个关,于是孩子和他亲生的母亲的别离一永远的别离的运命就被决定了。 A weaned animal will not have the tailor-made natural diet it previously received from the mare.小马驹断奶后不会再有像先前从母马那得到的特制的自然饮食。 Pigs of sows infected during gestation may develop clinical signs of HC after weaning怀孕期间受感染的母猪生的小猪,在断乳后发生猪瘟临床症状。
