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参考例句:Red carpet has been rolled ready for the royal party and special guests.为皇室成员和贵宾们准备的红地毯已被铺好。Mann is retiring this month after 42 years of feeding the royal family.他42年来一直为英国皇室服务,即将在本月退休。The couple of temples were maintained and visited from time to time. But basically they just turned their back on it.一些庙宇还得到维护并不时有人来看一看,但基本上皇室已经废弃了吴哥。He is directly descended from royalty.他是皇室的直系后裔。The news value of a royal romance皇室春情的新闻价值.She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔。A retinue,as of a noble or royal personage.随员(贵族或皇室成员的)随从She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔.The royal train departed from the capital at 12 o'clock.皇室的火车于12点离开首都。The Royal Channel also includes rarely seen silent news.皇室频道还包括了少见的无记载的消息。

royalty是什么意思:n. 皇室;版税;王权She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔。Four copies of the statement on calculation of the royalty使用费计算单一式四份I am the color of royalty and power.我是王权和力量的象征。Peaked caps signify royalty to many people.在很多人看来,大盖帽是威严的象征。That is a family that proceeds from a long line of royalty.那是一个出自源远流长的王室家族的家庭。
