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拍马屁的英文:apple-polishbootlickbootlickercurry favourpalaverpolish the applesuck offtoady

参考例句:Marked by effusive and insincere flattery.拍马屁的,献媚奉承的以过分地且不是出于真心的奉承为特征的An approving or flattering recommendation.拍马屁赞同或奉承的推荐He openly crawled to the boss.他公开地对老板拍马屁。He makes it in the world through sheer flattery - - I will be darn. It 's just not right.他完全靠拍马屁出人头地--真可恶那很不应该To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.阿谀奉承用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦,引起注意His boss liked him a lot, because he was always polishing the apple.他的老板很喜欢他,因为他喜欢拍马屁。Where therein is a flatterer there is also a fool.--Joseph Addiston, British writer哪里有拍马屁的人,那里就有傻瓜。英国作家阿狄生And those old favorites,your friends and mine:sycophantic,phlegmatic,and,of course,top of the bill - pusillanimous.而那些过去最受宠的人——你我共同的朋友们,其中有拍马屁的,冷漠的:当然,最招人注意的还有那些胆小怕事的。

apple是什么意思:n. 苹果;苹果公司There is an 在apple这个词中有一个字母A。This is an apple of love.这是一个西红柿。These are eating apples.这些是可生食的苹果。

polish是什么意思:n. 光泽;完美,精湛;上光剂;擦亮;优雅,修养v. 擦光,擦亮,磨光;修改,改善adj. 波兰的they performed with great polish.精良的品种在市场上销售很好。 a tin of metal polish一罐金属擦光剂 polished courtesy; elegance of manner.非常有礼貌;高雅的行为方式。

bootlick是什么意思:vt. vi. 拍马屁,谄媚



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