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网上冲浪 英文

网上冲浪 英文

网上冲浪的英文:surf the Internet

参考例句:The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive.事情很简单,那就是对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高。You won't need to rely on willpower to quit your net surfing; lack of battery power will do it for you.你无需依靠意志力来退出网上冲浪;断电能帮你做到这一点。But "surfing (the Net) "he says, can "detract from a contemplative calling."但是他说“(网上)冲浪”会使人从专注于宗教思想的召唤中分神。”

surf是什么意思:n. 海浪,拍岸浪花v. 冲浪;(互联网上)冲浪,浏览surfing the webph.1. 【电脑】网络冲浪(用来描述探险于全球资讯网的一个普通用语) kids addicted to surfing the Net.孩子们着迷于上网冲浪。Do you often surf on the Internet?你经常上网浏览信息吗?The surf broke on the rocks.迎头浪冲上岩石四下迸溅。They were splashing about in the surf.他们在拍岸的浪花中戏水。

internet是什么意思:n. 因特网;互联网The internet is a well of information.网络是信息富裕的来源。Digg has become an internet phenomenon.掘客网已成为因特网奇迹。Do you often surf on the Internet?你经常上网浏览信息吗?Piracy happens on the internet.盗版在互联网上泛滥。The other way to connect to the Internet is by using a terminal that is connected to an Internet host.与因特网相连接的另一种方式是使用一台与因特网主机相连接的终端。



帽子戏法 英文