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长沙的英文:Changsha, capital of Hunan province in south central China

参考例句:He was a native of Linxiang (present-day Changsha in Hunan Province).他是潭州临湘(今湖南长沙)人。That's difficult to say, but I can never visit Chung Sa Island too often.很难说,但是长沙岛我百去不厌。In 1949 a painting on white silk was unearthed in a tomb of the Chu Kingdom near Changsha in Hunan Province.1949年,在长沙东南郊楚墓中发现了一幅画在白色丝帛上的绘画"Chang Fa-kuei and Pai Chung-hsi are retreating from changsha!"“张桂军要退出长沙了!”He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep. 他趴在长沙发椅上, 睡得很熟。 Why is Ling Feng going to Changsha next week?为什么凌峰下周要去长沙It had become the main craft in places around Changsha, capital city of Hunan Province, in the Qing Dynasty.清代时成为长沙城乡的主要手式工艺。When I returned to Changsha I took a more direct role in politics.我回到长沙以后,更加直接地投身到政治中去。I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning.我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来。Besides, we are looking at other cities like Wuhan, Changsha, Chengdu and Chongqing.此外,我们也在关注其他的城市,像武汉、长沙、成都、重庆等等。

changsha是什么意思: n.长沙(中国湖南省省会)When I returned to Changsha I took a more direct role in politics.我回到长沙以后,更加直接地投身到政治中去。He was a native of Linxiang (present-day Changsha in Hunan Province).他是潭州临湘(今湖南长沙)人。In 1949 a painting on white silk was unearthed in a tomb of the Chu Kingdom near Changsha in Hunan Province.1949年,在长沙东南郊楚墓中发现了一幅画在白色丝帛上的绘画

capital是什么意思:n. 1.首都,首府,省会 2.资本,资金 3.大写字母 4.(工业等的)中心城市 5.资源;收益的来源 6.[总称]资本家,资方 7.【会计学】资产净值;股本总额 8.【建筑工程】柱顶 a. 1.资本的,与资本有关的 2.最重要的,主要的,首要的;基本的 3.极好的;第一流的,顶好的,上流的 4.大写的 5.可处死刑的 6.首都的;政府所在地的 7.非常严重的;致命的 This capital is popularly known in China as bureaucrat-capital这个资本,在中国的通俗名称,叫做官僚资本。Capital widening:investment that increases the absolute value of capital.资本扩张:指增加资本绝对值的投资。见capital deepeningThe penetration of capital provides the general condition for capital accumulation. 资本的扩张和渗透为资本积累提供了必要的条件。

hunan是什么意思:pla. 湖南The tourist products of Hunan Province is very rich and of particular features湖南旅游产品十分丰富而且极具特色。 Yuelu Academy, surviving the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, was converted into Hunan Institute of Higher Learning in1903, and Hunan Normal College, Hunan Public Polytechnic School in succession, and was finally named Hunan University in1926.岳麓书院自北宋开宝九年(976)式创立以来,历经宋、、、各代,至清光绪二十九年(元1903年)为湖南高等学堂,尔后相继改为湖南高等师范学校、南公立工业专门学校,1926年正式定名湖南大学。 In China's mainland, he completed his undergraduate work at Hunan University.在中国,他于湖南大学完成了大学学业。
