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杂七杂八的英文:incoherent; confused; cluttered (with irrelevant remarks)

参考例句:odds and ends;Bits of everything杂七杂八Confused assortment;hotchpotch杂七杂八的东西;杂凑A farrago of useless bits of knowledge杂七杂八无用的知识.An ill-assorted collection of shoes杂七杂八的一堆鞋The newspaper is a jungle of ads.报纸上尽是杂七杂八的广告。a purse containing keys,wallet,and sundry items.装了钥匙、钱包和各种杂七杂八东西的悬I shouldn’t like her to mix with all sorts of people我不愿意她同杂七杂八的人混在一起。

incoherent是什么意思:adj. 语无伦次的,不连贯的,不合逻辑的;不一致的This is an incoherent set of objectives.这是一组前后不一的目标。Rapid,incoherent,or meaningless speech.急促不清或无意义的话Nonsensical,incoherent,or meaningless talk.胡言乱语信口胡说、不连贯或无意义的谈话

confused是什么意思:adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的v. [confuse] 的过去式;困惑To baffle or confuse.使困惑或迷惑 To throw into a state of confusion.扰乱,使困惑陷入混乱的状态 To cause confusion in;muddle.使困惑在…方面引起混乱;使混乱
