生活费的英文:living expensescost of living
参考例句:The increased cost of living posed many problems.生活费的增加引起许多问题。A means of livelihood;maintenance.生活费生活来源;供养费His father cut off the supply.他父亲停止了他的生活费。 The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.该退休金不够应付生活费。His father cut off the supply.他父亲停止了他的生活费。The cost of living figures out at 1000yuan.生活费合计为1000元。As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living.随着工资的提高,生活费也提高了。keep down wages, prices, the cost of living, etc保持低工资、 低价格、 低生活费等 sixthly, the payment of basic living expenses and pension and health insurance of laid-off staff is to be guaranteed六、保证下岗职工基本生活费和养老、医疗保险的支付。My whole living was in this suit, and has been thus shamefully sucked away我的全部生活费都被扯进去,被诈得一干二净。
living是什么意思:adj. 活(着)的;现存的;逼真的,生动的;活跃的n. 生计,生存;生活(方式)v. [live] 的现在分词形式Live and let live待人宽容如待己They live a happy live.他们过着幸福的生活。Live to learn and learn to live生而学之,学而生之
expenses是什么意思:n.1.消耗,花费2.花费的钱,费用,开支,花费3.费用;价钱4.花钱的东西;开销5.(向雇主报销的)费用,开支,花销,业务费用duplicate expenses使费用加倍 You will be reimburse for your expenses or your expenses will be reimburse.你的花费将得到偿还。All the expenses fall on me.全部费用由我支付。
cost是什么意思:v. 花费;使付出;估价n. 费用;代价;成本;损失Cost was no consideration. 费用无关紧要。The cost will be astronomical.费用将是一笔天文数字。These costs are charged to an asset account entitled organization costs.这些成本被计入一个名为开办费的资产账户。