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跟我来的英文:Follow me

参考例句:Follow me.跟我来Come along (with me), boys!孩子们,跟我来!Do you dare to come with me?你敢跟我来吗?How do you do! I'll show you to your room. Follow me. 你好!我带你去你的房间,跟我来。 Please follow me, I'll guide you to the exit.请跟我来,我带您去出口。Come along, I'll show you how to get to the school.跟我来,我指给你看去学校怎么走。And I said unto my master, peradventure the woman will not follow me.我对我主人说,恐怕女子不肯跟我来。The policeman said to him, "You'd better come with me and tell me all about the accident."警察对他说:“你最好跟我来,并告诉我这次事故的经过。""Morrel," said the count to him at length, "do you repent having followed me?"“莫雷尔,”伯爵终于对他说,“你后悔跟我来吗?”Sell all thou hast,and give it to the poor,and follow me.“去卖掉你所有的财产,赠给穷人,把财富积存在天上,然后跟我来”。

follow是什么意思:v. 跟着,跟随;在…之后发生;理解;接受;密切关注mushroom follower菌形从动件 She followed a guru for years.她追随一位宗教老师很多年。To use or follow as a model.仿效,效法当作一个模范来使用或追随 To follow as a model or pattern;imitate.模仿仿造…的样式或图案;模仿 By convention, you should follow this guideline. 所以习惯上你应该遵守这个指导原则。
