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参考例句:Leading indicator method领先指标法There are three indexes to assess coverage of old-age insurance scientifically.但科学地评价养老保险覆盖程度的指标应有三个。The rate of return on total assets is the best overall measure of the earning power of a corporation.总资产报酬率是对公司盈利能力进行全面衡量的最好的指标。The equipment design must grow by continual interplay between the technical specification and the packaging仪器设计必须根据工艺指标和装配之间不断地交互影响而发展。The indicator of earnings per common share, is a very important indicator in analyzing the public companies.普通股每股收益在分析公开发行股票的公司中是一个非常重要的指标。The Gini coefficient (one way to measure income inequality) rose from 0.35 to 0.4 between 1988 and 1997.1988—1997年,中国的基尼系数(测量收入不平等的一种指标)从0.35上升到0.4。Eutrophic criteria of lakes湖泊富营养化指标Meet one's export targets达到出口指标Index of routine analysis for atmospheric pollution大气污染常规分析指标Index of atmospheric purity(1AP)空气清洁指标

norm是什么意思:n. 标准,规范;定额norm functional范数泛函 preliminary estimate norms and estimate norms of capitalconstruction基本建设概算、预算定额non-Euclidean norm非欧几里得范数

index是什么意思:n. 索引;指数;指标;指示v. 做索引,编入索引中;按生活指数调整The simplest form of a composite index is an unweighted aggregates index综合指数最简单的形式是不加权数的总计指数。Social Sciences Citation Index社会科学引文索引 The radius represents the advancement index.辐枝代表进化指数。

target是什么意思:n. 靶子;对象;目标v. 把…作为目标;瞄准They plugged at the target.他们向着靶射击。Sight the target carefully.仔细观测这个目标。The arrow hit bang on the target.箭正中靶心。
