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关注的英文:follow (an issue) closelypay close attention to

参考例句:The farmer has to keep abreast of changes in the weather.农夫必须关注天气的变化。Now savvy teachers focus more on giving kids access to the Information Highway现在,经验丰富的教师们更关注让学生使用信息公路。This book is written with survivors of child sexual abuse in mind.这本书关注的是童年时遭受过性骚扰的人。The case of Mr. Zhao displays the shortcomings of an attitude exclusively focused on profit.赵先生的案例指出了只关注利润这种态度的缺点。Shall treat all the shareholders equally and shall be concerned with the interests of stakeholders.公平对待所有股东,并关注其他利益相关者的利益。He describes French centralism, single-mindedness and self absorption as the “Cartesian Handicap.”他把法国人的中心主义、一门心思和自我关注说成是“笛卡儿式的障碍”。The-arker. com will send out more pics of Starscream and other toys soon, please pay attention. 我们不久将会放出更多关于红蜘蛛和其他玩具的图片,敬请关注!The country watched as stocks fell sharply.股票猛跌,举国关注。Thank you for so much concern. 多蒙关注。In touch with; in contact with和..接触或来往;关注follow是什么意思:v. 跟着,跟随;在…之后发生;理解;接受;密切关注mushroom follower菌形从动件 She followed a guru for years.她追随一位宗教老师很多年。To use or follow as a model.仿效,效法当作一个模范来使用或追随 issue是什么意思:n. 流出;问题;期,号;发行物v. 流出;放出,排出;造成…结果;发放;发行;发布Cloud the issues.混淆争端 This is a moral issue.这是一个道德问题。The next issue is reactor coolant system weld issues.下一个问题是反应堆冷却系统焊接。closely是什么意思:adv. 接近地;亲近地;紧密地;严密地close unchanged收盘时股价 Wright was close.怀特是个吝啬的人。 The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。



