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参考例句:The operator in parentheses in (3. 54) is called the Laplacian operator在(3.54)的括号里的算符叫做拉普拉斯算符。The statistics were given in parenthesis.统计数据在括号里。Parentheses: Round brackets.圆括号(小括号)(夹注号):圆的括号。亦称小括号、夹括号。Write”P”(polite) or “I” (impolite) in brackets.在括号里写出“P”或“I”。Put your name in the brackets at the top of each page. 把你的名字填在每页上端的括号里。 Controlling measurements shown in parenthesis are in millimeters.以括号中以毫米为单位的尺寸为准Put your name in brackets at the top of each page.把你的名字填在每页上端的括号内。Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate.删除括号中不适用的称谓。Excuse me, what do these words in brackets refer to?对不起,那括号里的几个字是指什么?I think you should bracket this word.我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。

parenthesis是什么意思:n. 插入语,圆括号,间歇Let me add,in parenthesis,…让我加一句题外话....Controlling measurements shown in parenthesis are in millimeters.以括号中以毫米为单位的尺寸为准should like to mention this by way of parenthesis . 在这里我想附带再提一下另外一点。Groups are subpatterns in the regular expression that are surrounded by parenthesis. 组是正则表达式中的子模式,它们包含在圆括号中。One has to dismount from an idea and get into saddle again at very parenthesis.每当遇上一个括号,就叫人不得不从一种想法下马,然后再次骑上马鞍。(马鞍有圆形的,也有方的,很像话号)

brackets是什么意思:n. 括弧,括号;托架;类别,等级;阶层v. 括在一起;把…归入同一类;把…分类;为…装托架Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate.删除括号中不适用的称谓。They bracketed discussion off for a moment. 他们对问题暂停讨论。The children were bracketed into groups.孩子们被分成几类。Don' t bracket them ( together ).不要把他们相提并论。 I think you should bracket this word.我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。


