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参考例句:Defeat is unthinkable.战败是不可能的It's pie in the sky.那是不可能的.The state of being unlikely or improbable;improbability.不可能不大可能或不可能的状态;不可能性Union between the two countries would be impossible.这两个国家的联合是不可能的。Incapable of being changed;unalterable.不可能被改变的;不可变的Pigs might fly; something impossible could happen.不可能的事也可能发生;无奇不有。That's impossible! It will burn up. 不可能,飞船会被烧坏的。A forlorn `hope plan or undertaking that is almost certain not to succeed几乎不可能实现的计画或不可能成功的事情found the riddle not possible to rede发现那个谜不可能解开 They could not have foreseen how things would turn out.他们不可能预知事情的结果。impossible是什么意思:adj. 不可能的;难以忍受的It is impossible to strike an average.不可能算出一个平均数。 make impossible, esp. beforehand.使不可能做,例如预先。 It is impossible to clap with one hand.孤掌难鸣。He is an impossible fellow. 他这个人实在让人受不了。 The woman is impossible, thought Frannie.弗兰妮想,这个女人真让人受不了。

