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销售员的英文:sales clerk

参考例句:a peppery sales clerk.一个脾气暴躁的销售员 It was written by a former sales rep who then became a buyer of advertising for his firm.作者以前是做销售员的,后来转变成为公司老板,他作为买家购买的产品是--广告。A salesperson who comes on too strong.十分吸引人的销售员Chairperson;spokesperson;salesperson.主席;发言人;销售员The successful salesperson is not a huckster,such a salesperson will not be around for very long.成功的销售员并非叫卖小贩,这样的销售员会很快消失。Finally, the smart sales person is always "on" when it comes to conscientious follow-up. 最后,灵巧的销售员总是尽责的跟进到底。Salesmen try to trade their customers up.销售员想说服顾客买更贵的东西。Salesmen find that soft sell work well with young housewives.销售员发现不施加压力的推销术对年轻的家庭主妇很管用。The salesman always cries up the quality of the car he is selling.销售员总是夸赞他所卖的车子的品质。Your sales figures reflect favourab1y on your ability as a salesman.你的销售数字说明你作为销售员的才干出色。sales是什么意思:adj. 销售的,售货的n. 销售(额)Not for sale will be showing.非卖品都将展出。A pickup in sales.销售量好转 The sale department make an accurate forecast of sale.销售部门做了一项准确的销售预测。 The sale department makes an accurate forecast of sale.销售部门做了一项准确的销售预测。contract note of sales发售约书;贸易契约 clerk是什么意思:n. 职员;书记员;店员v. 当店员He is a clerk of that department store. 他是那家百货商店的店员。 She is a bank clerk.她是银行职员。His kid sister clerks in a store他妹妹在商店当店员。 She is the ledger clerk of our company.她是我们公司的账务员。The clerk asked me to sign the docket.店员让我在单据上签字。



