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参考例句:A revolutionary outbreak革命暴动We regard reform as a revolution -- not as a ``cultural revolution'' of course.我们把改革当作一种革命,当然不是“文化大革命”那样的革命。The revolution threatened the interests of the Bourgeois.这场革命威胁到这些资本家的利益。Our passion for freedom led to the American Revolution.我们对自由的渴望导致了美国革命。These people are only connoisseurs of curios and have virtually nothing to do with the revolution.这样的人就是古董鉴赏家,几乎和革命不发生关系。On those numbers alone, the smart mobile phone revolution looks unstoppable.仅从上述数字即可断言,智能移动电话的革命势不可挡。To consolidate the revolutionary united front, we must use the method of criticism and self-criticism要达到巩固革命统一战线的目的,必须采取批评和自我批评的方法。he eal technology template for the RMA has much less to do with advanced platforms than with the things that they carry军事革命的技术模式与先进的平台关系不大,而与平台所携带的东西密切相关。The scientific revolution outshines everything and reduces the Renaissance and Reformation to the rank of mere episodes.科技革命超越了一切,使得文艺复兴和宗教改革相形之下成为只不过小小的插曲而已。The revolution brought about the downfall of the dictatorial regime.革命推翻了独裁政权。revolution是什么意思:n. 革命,旋转,变革We regard reform as a revolution -- not as a ``cultural revolution'' of course.我们把改革当作一种革命,当然不是“文化大革命”那样的革命。The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois.法国革命受到中产阶级的鼓励。The revolution threatened the interests of the Bourgeois.这场革命威胁到这些资本家的利益。The revolution threatened the interests of the bourgeois.这场革命威胁到这些资本家的利益。The revolution was followed by a reign of terror.革命之后随即出现了恐怖统治。



