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参考例句:encourage and reward for team work鼓励并奖励团队合作The offer of cash incentives现金奖励的提供The Measures for Rewarding Investment Attractors (for Trial Implementation)招商引资奖励办法(试行)Incentive scheme is boosting production.奖励机制推动着生产的发展。The purpose of the Scheme is to provide an incentive to those employees for their contributions to the Group.该计划的目的是奖励对本公司有贡献之员工The aspirations of customers are our factory's pursuit and the satisfaction of users is the highest reward to us.客户的心愿是我厂的追求,用户的满意是对我厂的最高奖励。An attractor may go through the formalities for applying for the reward by itself, or authorize an agent to do so.引资者可自行办理、也可以书面形式委托他人代为办理奖励申领手续。The principle of rewarding on classification basis分类奖励的原则。The principle of rewarding on level basis分级奖励的原则。merit reward, praise, punishment, etc应获得奖励、 称赞、 处罚等 reward是什么意思:n. 报答,报酬;酬金;奖赏v. 报答;酬谢;奖励a just punishment(reward)应得的惩罚(报酬) Virtue is its own reward施恩莫望报Love is the reward of love爱别人才会被人爱Poverty is the reward of idleness贫穷是游手好闲的报应legal deeds are rewarded By happiness. 善行会有幸福酬报。 award是什么意思:n. 奖品,奖赏;奖学金v. 给予,授予They awarded the prize to him=The prize was awarded to him他们赏给他奖品。It earned three Grammy Awards.它赢得三项格莱美奖。She was dissatisfied with her award. 她对自己的薪水不满意。 Phil was awarded the top prize. 菲尔获得头奖。 The novel earned him a literary award. 这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。



