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退货的英文:comebackreturn of goodsreturned purchasecancel the ordersgoods rejected

参考例句:Refunds are acceptable.接受退货Money-back guarantee.包退还洋;保证退货。Acceptance of returned goods, or reduction in price or remuneration退货、减少价款或者报酬This shop promises to take back any goods that don't satisfy the person who buys them.该店保证,买主不满意的货物可以退货。If you find it dissatisfactory,we can take it back.如果(你们)发现不满意,可以退货。The disposition of non-conforming products may be one of the following: rework, scrap (return to vendor).对不合格品的处置分返工、报废(或退货)。Rejection will not recoup him for what he has paid out退货不能补偿他花出去的钱。You may exchange the shirt but not return it for a refund. 你可调换这件衬衫,但不能退货。 Contact your products supplier or vendor for return instructions.有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。The rule not allowing refund on goods sold has greatly injured the reputation of some stores.商品售出,一律不可退货的规定,使一些商店失去了不少信誉。

comeback是什么意思:n. 恢复;回归;反驳It will be an even harder comeback this time.这一次,我们的恢复甚至可能更加困难。Dame Julie will make a nostalgic comeback on the stage.女爵士朱莉将重登舞台做怀旧演出。He lose the last election but hopes to make a comeback next time.他上次竞选失败,但是希望下次卷土重来。

return是什么意思:v. 带回,放回,恢复,回到n. 回来,归还,回报adj. (票)双程的,往返的;(旅途)返回的,返程的The return of a prodigal回头浪子Return Receipts\Settings for requesting or returning receipts返回收据\有关收据的请求或返回有关的设置To return disappointedly; defeated.铩羽而归

goods是什么意思:n. 商品,货物;动产,私人财产A good appetite is a good sauce饥不择食The prompt goods have good qualities. 当场付款的物品质量不错。Be not simply good; be good for something.不要单纯做个好人,还要做个能派上用场的人。



