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想念的英文:missremember with longing

参考例句:I miss the departed friends.我想念已故的朋友。Do you miss your family?你想念家人吗?I miss thee, beloved father.亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。We shall miss her sorely.我们将会非常想念她。I'm really going to miss you.我真的会想念你的。I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.我想念家乡的青青山峦。I miss you very much and always think of you.我非常想念你,时常想起你。Home is the place you yearn best when you wander here and there.家是你在流浪时最想念的地方。 The sky is deep blue, and the yearning heart is expecting my dear family afar.湛蓝的天幕,想念的心,我远方的亲人。Do you often think of your friend home?你常常想念你在国内的朋友吗?

miss是什么意思:v. 想念,惦记;未击中;逃过,免于n. 小姐,少女,姑娘;未中,得不到,达不到lost bird | miss | to miss未中| 未中靶 Miss. ( Mississippi)美国密西西比州州名 That was a bad miss. 那是一个严重的失误。

remember是什么意思:v. 记得;回想起;牢记;代...问候;纪念Remember to tip the waiter.记得要给服务员小费。 Please remember the waiter.别忘了给服务员小费. One bounce and hit, remember?球落地一次就打,记住了吗?

longing是什么意思:n. 渴望adj. 渴望的v. long的现在分词;渴望But perhaps not for long.但这并不会持续太长时间。It will take a long time to read through this long story.要读完这长篇故事要花相当长的时间。propagation of long and very long wave in the ionosphere电离层长波和超长波传播


