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型号的英文:model number

参考例句:Some of these special nylon mountaineering ropes have a breaking point considerably higher than those of the old type.这些专用的尼龙登山绳比起那些旧型号的绳子的断裂点要高许多。Our entire range of cars is now on view at your local showroom.我们各种型号的汽车现正在贵区陈列室里展出。An IBM clone仿IBM型号的计算机.The new model has now been released for sale .新型号的产品现已出售. The assembling charge for each model is as follows每种型号的装配费如下The standard/de luxe version of this car这种汽车的标准的[豪华的]型号The newspaper ads plumped the virtues of the new model. 报纸广告大力宣传新型号的优点。We manufacture various types of machine tools. 我公司生产各种型号的机床。Those two models are not easily distinguishable from each other. 那两种型号不易区别开来。 This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.这种新型号质量非常好,而且也不贵。

model是什么意思:n. 模型;模式;典型;模范;模特儿;式样v. 模拟;模仿;做模特儿;做模型;塑造adj. 模范的;典型的They are viewed as models.他们被看作模范。 At last,the author was setting forth the models of the crisis intervention.Including generic model or individual model,examination or valuation model,setting question model or comprehensive model,seven-stage model,compound group model.对此,人们从不同角度进行了研究,提出了一般模式与个别模式,检查与评估模式,解决问题与综合模式,七阶段模式以及复合团队模式等多种危机干预模式。 To use or follow as a model.仿效,效法当作一个模范来使用或追随 She is the model teacher in the school.她是这所学校的模范教师。This student is a model of diligence.这学生是勤勉的模范。

number是什么意思:n. 数;号码;算数v. 给…编号;计算,数 The number was fifty.该数字为五十。There is safety in numbers人多势众It was an irrational number.这是一个无理数。Which number on the card is a prime number?在卡片上哪一个数字是最初的数字?The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.被升到指定数字的对数上的数量,是为了得到那被指定的数目。


