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参考例句:Satirical skit (or essay)讽刺小品A hit at sb.对某人的讽刺。 A satirical play, poem, sketch, etc讽刺剧、诗、小品等。The satiric play is pregnant with meaning.这部讽刺剧意味无穷。It was a wonderful satire.那是一种绝好的讽刺。Sarcasm became a sledge hammer in their debate.在他们的辩论中,讽刺成为强有力的武器。The only group detested enough to be a suitable butt for barbed humor is lawyers.唯一的一帮不讨人喜欢而适宜当讽刺幽默靶子的人是律师。Natalie, silent, regarded them both with a satirical motherly look娜塔丽默默地用讽刺,但是慈祥的目光望着他们两人。He was proud,sardonic,harsh to inferiority of every description(Charlotte Bront.他对各种描写的低劣性都抱以傲慢、讽刺和毫不保留爱憎分明的态度(夏洛特·勃朗蒂)British historian noted for his humorous works that ridicule the inefficiency of bureaucracies.巴金森,西(里尔)·诺思科特生于1909英国历史学家,以讽刺官僚阶层低效无能的幽默作品而闻名。

irony是什么意思:n. 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事adj. 铁的;似铁的;含铁的There is a delicious irony in all this.这一切中包含了一种绝妙的讽刺。The phrase is loaded with irony.此语满含讽刺意味。He was an adapt in the irony of incongruously grouping.他精通于冷嘲各种不协调的人物。Irony was widely used in the works of Kafka and LuXun.卡夫卡和鲁迅的小说中都广泛应用了反讽的艺术手法。She answered pomposity with irony and dominated conversations by her personality and shrewd psychology.对于虚夸自负她用的是反唇相讥,她以她的人品和机敏的心理特点来控制同人家谈话的进程。

satire是什么意思:n. 讽刺;讽刺作品It was a wonderful satire.那是一种绝好的讽刺。That book is a satire on the administration of justice.那部作品是对司法工作的讽刺。 Satire is an intellectual weapon.讽刺文学是一种智力武器。His poems participate of the nature of satire. 他的诗带有讽刺性。A satirical play, poem, sketch, etc讽刺剧、诗、小品等。


