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了不起的盖茨比的英文:The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald novel)

参考例句:The Great Gatsby is his summative comment on the Jazz Age.《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉尔德就“爵士时代”所作的总结性注释。I started calling him"Lord Chesterfield"and"The Great Gatsby."我于是就开始叫他“切斯特菲尔德大人”和“了不起的盖茨比”。

great是什么意思:adj. 巨大的;很多的;重大的;伟大的;优异的;极好的;非常的n. 大师;大人物,伟人A great talker is a great liar言多必妄Great hopes make great man伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物Great hopes make great men伟大的希望造就伟大的人物

scott是什么意思:n. 人名Few writers can compare with Scott as creators of romance.能与史考特匹敌的罗曼史作家并不多。the happy combination of fortuitous circumstances(Sir Walter Scott.各种不相关环境的令人高兴的结合(瓦尔特·司各脱)。The businesses of Scott Fetzer are too numerous to describe in detail.由于史考特费兹的事业范围过于繁杂,在此不便详述
