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参考例句:a baronial mansion.富丽堂皇的大厦The North Mansion北方大厦The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong.中银大厦在香港是最高的。The stately mansion crested the hill.庄严的大厦位于山顶。A five-storey building五层楼的大厦They were housed in the old mansion.他们入住于那幢旧大厦。It is ludicrous to call a simple split-level house a mansion.把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了Across the skyline of Puxi is China's tallest building - the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower - in Pudong New Area.外滩建筑的天际线景观,遥对浦东新区的88层楼高的金茂大厦。reserve block [sale of public housing unit]候补大厦〔出售公屋〕 The invaders caused his mansion to go up in flames侵略者将他的大厦付之一炬。edifice是什么意思:n. 大建筑物They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.他们抱怨说,那些怪物般的庞大建筑,干扰了电视接收。observations that provided the foundation for the edifice of evolutionary theory.观察为进化论的理论大厦打下了基础Of course, as the former preside of MS club, he delivered his deep reins, profoundly edification and brave benison to us.当然,作为微软俱乐部的上任主席,我们的老会长,他给我们传达的是浓浓的情义、深深的教诲和美好的祝福。His theory of justice was elaborate and forms a cornerstone of his philosophical edifice.他详尽阐述的正义理论形成了其哲学体系的基石。Wealthy officials and landlords built these queer edifices a thousand years ago有钱的官吏和地主在一千年前就修建了这种奇怪的建筑物。mansion是什么意思:n. 宅第,公馆;大厦;豪宅The family owns a lordly mansion.那个家族拥有一座气派的大厦。He lives in Victoria Mansions.他住在维多利亚公寓。Five Cape mansion without dime is to become a hexangular mansion. 五角大楼少了一角是变成六角大楼了。The mansion is on a promontory, high over the Pacific.该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。That beautiful mansion has changed hands several times.这栋漂亮的豪宅已经转手好几次了。



