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Communicative skills are very important. Communicating properly on the phone is especially important, as the person you are speaking to cannot see your facial movement or your body language. They rely completely on what you are saying, and how you are speaking, to understand you fully.沟通技巧非常重要。通过电话进行适当的交流尤其重要,因为你正在交谈的人看不到你的面部动作或肢体语言。他们完全依赖于你所说的话和你说话的方式,来完全理解你。



As well as speaking clearly when talking on the phone, it is vital to use the right level of formality. If you are too formal, people might find it difficult to feel comfortable when talking to you. If you are too informal, they might think you are being rude!在打电话时,除了要说清楚外,重要的是要用正确的礼节。如果你太拘谨,人们可能会发现和你谈话时很难感到舒服。如果你太随便,他们可能会认为你很粗鲁!



Generally speaking, when you are calling in a business context (making calls related to employment, finances, law, health or applications of any sort), you should show politeness by using words like:一般来说,当你在商务环境中打电话(打与就业、财务、法律、健康或任何形式的应用相关的电话)时,你应该礼貌地使用以下词语:



could/would/can/may when making a request.提出请求时可以使用could/would/can/may



When you ask for something, or receive help or information, you should use: 当你要求某事,或接受帮助或信息时,你应该使用:



please/thank you/thank you very much.请/谢谢/非常感谢。



It is also okay to use some of the informal features of the English language such as short forms, phrasal verbs and words like okay and bye – in other words, everyday English! So phrases like:也可以使用英语的一些非正式特征,如简短的形式,短语动词和像“好”和“再见”这样的词-换句话说,日常英语!所以像这样的短语:



‘I’m off to a conference, okay, bye’,“我要去开会了,好的,再见”,



‘Hang on a moment, I’ll put you through’are perfectly acceptable, as long as the overall tone of your voice is polite and friendly.“等一下,我帮你接通”是完全可以接受的,只要你的声音的整体基调是礼貌和友好的。



Phone Conversation in English英语中的电话用语



If it is more of an informal phone conversation (speaking to a friend, family member, close work colleague or even a friend of a friend), then a high level of formality is usually not required, but you should still speak with a polite manner, as it is seen as respectful.如果更多的是非正式的电话交谈(与朋友、家人、亲密的同事甚至朋友的朋友交谈),那么通常不需要高度的礼节,但你还是应该礼貌地说话,因为这被视为是尊重。



It’s fine to use less formal phrases in these conversations, such as在这些对话中使用不太正式的短语是可以的,比如



‘thanks’/‘cheers’/‘bye’/‘okay’/‘no problem’'谢谢'/'干杯'/'再见'/'好的'/'没问题'



Another useful thing to remember is, it’s better to ask for help or clarification when you’re having a telephone conversation, than to pretend you understand something that you didn’t. It is absolutely fine to use phrases like:另一个需要记住的有用的事情是,当你在电话中交谈时,最好寻求帮助或澄清,而不是假装你懂一些你不懂的东西。使用以下短语是绝对可以的:



‘Could you repeat that please?’/‘Could you speak a little more slowly please?’/‘Would you mind spelling that for me please?’“你能重复一遍吗?“/”你能说慢一点吗?“/”请你帮我拼一下好吗?’



Using phrases like these will help you to have a more successful phone call, and may save you from any problems later on. You could always say:使用这样的短语将有助于你有一个更成功的电话,并可能节省你以后的任何问题。你总是可以说:



‘I’m afraid the line is quite bad’, if you can’t hear very well.如果你听不太清楚的话,恐怕线路很差。



It also a good idea to practise words, phrases and vocabulary that you might need to use, before the call! So to help you out a little, here is a list of commonly used phrases:在打电话之前练习你可能需要用到的单词、短语和词汇也是个好主意!所以为了帮你一点忙,这里有一个常用短语的列表:



introduction, opening, initiation, first contact, meeting介绍、开幕、启动、首次接触、会议



Introduction / Making Contact介绍/联系



If answering a business call, start by introducing yourself or if the caller fails to identify themselves, then you could ask them to state who they are by using the following phrases:如果接听商务电话,首先要自我介绍,或者如果来电者无法确定自己的身份,那么您可以使用以下短语让他们说明自己是谁:






‘Hello’/‘Good Morning’/‘Good Afternoon’/‘This is ___ speaking’/‘Could I speak to ___ please?’/‘I would like to speak to ___’/‘I’m trying to contact ___’‘你好’/‘早上好’/‘下午好’/‘我在说话’/‘我能和你说话吗?’?'/'我想和你谈谈'/'我正试图联系''






‘Hello’/‘Hi, it’s ___ here’/‘I am trying to get in touch with ___’/‘Is ___ there please?’“你好”/“嗨,我在这里”/“我想和你联系一下”,好吗?’



online marketing terms - internet marting terms - glossary在线营销术语.网络营销术语.词汇表



Giving more information给予更多信息



This would probably be used in a business context mainly, but could sometimes be helpful in an informal conversation too. It is good to specify where you are calling from, if you feel it may be helpful to the person you are calling.这可能主要用于业务环境中,但有时也可能有助于非正式对话。如果你觉得这对你打电话的人有帮助的话,最好说明你是从哪里打来的。






‘I am calling from ___/I’m calling on behalf of ___’'我是从'____'打来的/我是代表'______'打来的'






‘I’m in the post office at the moment, and I just needed ___’“我现在在邮局,我只是需要”



Taking a call - Receiving a Call打电话-接电话



You may need to use these if you are answering someone else’s phone, because they are unable to answer it themselves, or if you are answering an office phone.如果你在接别人的电话,因为他们自己无法接,或者你在接办公室电话,你可能需要使用这些。






‘Hello, this is ___ speaking’/‘___ speaking, how may I help you?’你好,我是“我在说话”/“我能帮你什么忙吗?”?’






‘Hello, John’s phone’'你好,约翰的电话'



domain specific vocabulary list领域特定词汇表



Asking for more information / Making a request询问更多信息/提出请求



If you need to ask for a specific person, then phrase your request as a polite question, if you only have an extension number and no name, you can say so. If you’re calling for a specific reason, just explain briefly what it is.如果你需要找一个特定的人,那么把你的要求说成是一个礼貌的问题,如果你只有分机号码,没有名字,你可以这么说。如果你打电话是为了一个特定的原因,只需简单地解释一下是什么。






‘May I ask who’s calling please?’/‘Can I ask whom I’m speaking to please?’/‘Where are you calling from?’/‘Is that definitely the right name/number?’/‘Could I speak to someone who ___?’/‘I would like to make a reservation please’/‘Could you put me through to extension number ___ please?’“请问您是谁?“/”我能问一下我在和谁说话吗?“/”你从哪里打来的?“/”这绝对是正确的名字/号码吗?“/”我能和谁说话吗?“/”我想预订房间,“/”请帮我接分机号码好吗?’






‘Who’s calling please?’/‘Who’s speaking?’/‘Who is it?’“请问是谁?“/”谁在说话?“/”是谁?’



Whom am I speaking to?我在和谁说话?



Asking the caller to wait / Transferring a call要求来电者等待/转接电话



If you are transferring a caller to someone else, you should let them know that you are doing so, just so they know what is happening, as the silent tone could be mistaken for a disconnected line! If you are the one being transferred, you will often hear the person use the following phrases:如果你正在将来电者转接给其他人,你应该让他们知道你在这么做,这样他们就知道发生了什么,因为无声的声音可能会被误认为是一条断开的线路!如果你是被调职的人,你会经常听到对方使用以下短语:






‘Could you hold on a moment please’/‘Just a moment please’/‘Hold the line please’/‘I’ll just put you through’/‘I’ll just transfer you now’“请稍等一下好吗?”/“请稍等一下”/“请别挂断电话”/“我帮您接通”/“我现在就给您转接”






‘Hold on a minute’/‘Just a minute’/‘Okay, wait a moment please’'稍等'/'稍等'/'好的,请稍等'



Giving Negative Information提供否定信息



If you are the one answering a call, you might not be able to help the caller. You can use some of the following phrases in these circumstances:如果你是接电话的人,你可能无法帮助打电话的人。在这种情况下,您可以使用以下一些短语:






‘I’m afraid the line is busy at the moment’/‘That line is engaged at the moment, could you call back later please?’/‘I’m afraid ___’s busy at the moment, can I take a message?’/‘I’m sorry, he’s out of the office today’/‘You may have dialled the wrong number’/‘I’m afraid there’s no one here by that name’“恐怕电话现在占线了。”/“电话现在占线了,请您稍后再打过来好吗?”?“/”恐怕你现在很忙,我能留个口信吗?“/”对不起,他今天不在办公室“/”你可能拨错电话了“/”恐怕这里没有叫这个名字的人。“






‘Sorry, ___’s not here’/‘___ is out at the moment’“对不起,你不在这里。”/“你现在出去了”



Telephone Problems电话问题



If you don’t understand everything the other person is saying, be honest. Tell the other person immediately, otherwise you might miss some important information! Most people will appreciate your honesty, and will be happy to oblige.如果你听不懂对方说的每一句话,诚实点。立即告诉对方,否则可能会漏掉一些重要信息!大多数人都会欣赏你的诚实,并乐意效劳。






‘I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well’/‘Would you mind speaking up a bit please?’/I’m afraid my English isn’t very good, could you speak slowly please?’/‘Could you repeat that please?’“恐怕我听不太清楚。”/“请你说大声一点好吗?”?恐怕我的英语不太好,你能说慢点吗?“/”你能重复一遍吗?’






‘Sorry, I didn’t catch that’/‘Say that again please?’/‘I can’t hear you very well’/‘Sorry, this line is quite bad’“对不起,我没听清楚”,请再说一遍?“/”我听不太清楚“/”对不起,这条线太差了'



email marketing terms - vocabulary电子邮件营销术语词汇



Leaving / Taking a Message留言



If the person you’re calling is not available, be prepared to leave a message. This could be a voicemail, (which is a digital voice recording system), or an answering machine (this records messages onto a tape). If you’re leaving a message with another person, they’ll either ask if you want to leave a message, or you could request to leave a message with them. Be sure to leave your number, if you want the other person to call you back!如果你打电话的人不在,请准备留言。这可能是一个语音信箱(一个数字语音记录系统)或一个答录机(将信息记录到磁带上)。如果你要给别人留言,他们会问你是否想留言,或者你可以要求给他们留言。如果你想让对方给你回电话,一定要留下你的号码!






‘Can I take your name and number please?’/‘Can I leave a message please?’/‘Could you please ask ___ to call me back?’/‘Could you spell that for me please?’/‘Can I just check the spelling of that please?’我能记下你的名字和电话号码吗?“/”我可以留言吗?“/”你能叫我回电话吗?“/”你能帮我拼一下吗?“/”我可以检查一下它的拼写吗?’






‘I’ll ask him to ring you when ___ gets back’/‘Could you tell ___ that I called please?’/‘I’ll let ___ know that you rang’“等他回来我会叫他给你打电话的。”/“你能告诉我我打过电话吗?”?'/'我会让你知道你打过电话'



Saying Goodbye告别



The easiest part of the conversation! Simply be polite, and speak with a friendly manner.谈话中最简单的部分!只是要有礼貌,用友好的态度说话。






‘Thank you for calling’/‘Have a good day’/‘Goodbye’'谢谢您的来电'/'祝您愉快'/'再见'






‘Bye!’/‘Talk soon’/‘Speak to you again soon’再见!'/'不久再谈'/'快再跟你说话'



Remember your manners!记住你的方式!



It’s very important to be polite on the telephone, use phrases like could you, would you like to, and to make requests, use please. Always remember to finish a conversation with thank you and good bye.在电话里礼貌一点,用“你愿意吗”、“你愿意吗”这样的短语,提出要求时请用“请”。永远记得在结束一次谈话时说声谢谢,然后再见。



Write it down!记下来!



If you’re nervous about speaking on the phone in English, then it may be helpful to write a brief script or a few bullet points on that you need to say. If you will be speaking to someone you don’t know, it helps to have things written down in front of you, to calm your nerves! If you have a brief outline of what you need to say, it will help to organise your thoughts beforehand, and to use it as a reference during the call, if you get confused.如果你对用英语打电话感到紧张,那么写一个简短的脚本或者你需要说的要点可能会有帮助。如果你要和一个你不认识的人说话,把事情写在你面前会有帮助,能让你平静下来!如果你有一个简短的大纲,你需要说什么,这将有助于事先组织你的想法,并使用它作为参考,在通话中,如果你感到困惑。



Phrasal verbs动词短语



One thing you could do to improve your telephone skills is to learn some of the phrasal verbs that are commonly used in English telephone conversations.你可以做一件事来提高你的电话技巧,那就是学习一些英语电话交谈中常用的短语动词。



phrasal verbs about talking on the phone:Common Phrasal Verbs打电话的短语动词:常用短语动词



1. hold on: means wait别挂:意味着等待



‘Could you hold on a moment please?’“请稍等一下好吗?’



2. hang on: also means wait! (informal)等等:也就是说等等!(非正式)



‘Could you hang on a moment please?’“请稍等一下好吗?’



3. put (a call) through:means to connect one caller to another接通(电话):指将一个来电者连接到另一个来电者



‘I’m just going to put you through now.’“我现在就给你接通。”



4. get through: to be connected to someone on the phone接通:通过电话与某人连接



‘I can’t get through to his line at the moment, could you call back later please?’“我现在无法接通他的电话,请稍后再打给我好吗?’



5. hang up: means to put the receiver down挂断:指放下听筒



‘I think the operator hung up on me, the line just went dead!’“我想接线员挂断了我的电话,电话刚挂断!’



6. call up: is to make a telephone call (mainly used in American English or slang)打电话:打电话(主要用美式英语或俚语)



‘I’ll call up the theatre, and find out about tickets.’“我会打电话给剧院,问问票的事。”



7. call back: is to return someone’s call回拨:就是回某人的电话



‘I’ll ask him to call you back, when he gets home.’“他到家后,我会叫他给你回电话的。”



8. pick up: means to answer a call / lift the receiver to take a call接电话:接电话的意思



‘No one is picking up, maybe they’re not at home.’“没人接,也许他们不在家。”



9. get off (the phone): means to stop talking on the phone下(电话):停止打电话的意思



‘When he gets off the other phone, I’ll pass on your message.’“等他挂断另一个电话,我会转告你的消息。”



10. get back to (someone): means to return someone’s call回(某人):指回某人的电话



‘When do you think she’ll be able to get back to me?’“你认为她什么时候能回到我身边?’



11. cut off: to be disconnected abruptly during a telephone conversation切断:在电话交谈中突然断开



‘I think we got cut off, I can’t hear her anymore.’“我想我们被切断了,我再也听不见她说话了。”



12. switch off/turn off: is to deactivate (a cell phone/mobile phone)关机/关机:是停用(手机/手机)



‘Sorry you couldn’t get through to me. My phone was switched off, because the battery had died.’“对不起,你打不通我的电话。我的手机关机了,因为电池没电了



13. speak up: means to talk louder大声说话:指大声说话



‘I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well, could you speak up a little please?’恐怕我听不太清楚,请你大声点好吗?



Hold on means ‘wait’ – and hang on means ‘wait’ too. Be careful not to confuse hang on with hang up! Hang up means ‘finish the call by breaking the connection’ – in other words: ‘put the phone down.’ Another phrasal verb with the same meaning as hang up is ring off, but this isn’t as commonly used as some of the other phrasal verbs listed above. The opposite of hang up / ring off is ring up – if you ring somebody up, you make a phone call. And if you pick up the phone (or pick the phone up), you answer a call when the phone rings.坚持意味着“等待”,坚持也意味着“等待”。小心别把挂断和挂断搞混了!“挂断”的意思是“断开连接完成通话”,也就是说:“放下电话”。另一个与“挂断”意思相同的短语动词正在响,但这并不像上面列出的其他短语动词那样常用。挂断电话的反面是打电话——如果你给某人打电话,你就会打电话。如果你拿起电话(或拿起电话),你会在电话铃响时接听电话。



“Hang on a second…”“等一下…”



If you are talking to a receptionist, secretary or switchboard operator, they may ask you to hang on while they put you through – put through means to connect your call to another telephone. With this verb, the object (you, me, him, her etc.) goes in the middle of the verb: put you through. But if you can’t get through to (contact on the phone) the person you want to talk to, you might be able to leave a message asking them to call you back. Call back means to return a phone call – and if you use an object (you, me, him, her, etc.), it goes in the middle of the verb: call you back. Now you can start making those calls!如果你正在和接待员、秘书或总机接线员通话,他们可能会让你在接通电话的时候挂断电话——接通电话的方式将你的电话连接到另一部电话。用这个动词,宾语(你,我,他,她等等)在动词中间:把你接过去。但如果你无法联系到你想找的人,你可以留言让他们给你回电话。回拨意味着回拨一个电话——如果你使用一个对象(你,我,他,她等等),它会出现在动词的中间:回拨你。现在你可以开始打电话了!




