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英尺的英文:(English) foot (unit of measurement)

参考例句:It has a span of 4260 feet.它长达4260英尺。A sheer drop of 50 feet50英尺垂直降落.A heave of 63 feet六十三英尺的一掷This plant attains to a height of 10 feet.这种植物可长到10英尺高。The towers are 170 ft above the caisson沉井以上的塔柱高度为170英尺。The river dropped some 85 feet.河的水位下降了约85英尺。A unit of luminance equal to1 / x candela per square foot.英尺朗伯等于每平方英尺1;x新烛光的亮度单位Step off eight feet and then place a marker in the ground.用步测出8英尺,然后在地上设置一个标志。 Cameras were spotted about twenty feet from the rostrum.摄影机安置在离主席台约20英尺的地方。large sapling大幼树(高10英尺以上,胸径4英寸以下)english是什么意思:n. 英语;英格兰人adj. 英格兰的;英格兰人的;英国的;英国人的;英语的A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English.你的英语程度教书不够格。John tutored the child in English.约翰辅导那孩子学英语。 His knowledge of English is fair.他的英语水平尚可。 foot是什么意思:n. 脚;足部;底部,基础;英尺v. 步行,走;支付Left foot, right foot,左脚,右脚, rectangular footing矩形基脚 circular footing圆基脚 unit是什么意思:n. 单位,单元;装置;部件;部队;单位数Expand the patriotic united front and unite with all forces that can be united. 壮大爱国统一战线,团结一切可以团结的力量。The conception of the United Nations was in 1945. 联合国创始于一九四五年。The meter reads 5500 units.仪表标明为5500单位。



