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参考例句:A naive remark幼稚的话Juvenile Behavior.幼稚的行为Her idea is naive indeed.她这个人的想法极其幼稚。Foolishly juvenile behavior or character;immaturity.幼稚愚蠢的稚气的行为或性格;不成熟Naively idealistic in the support of philanthropic or humanitarian causes.社会改良空想家的在支持善心或博爱事件方面幼稚的、理想化的。It is a pretty story, albeit a trifle naif这故事虽说有点幼稚简单,却颇为有趣。He is so naive to believe such a lie.他竟然幼稚得连这种谎言都相信。sophomoric behavior such as driving too fast in an attempt to show off.幼稚的行为,如为了炫耀而高速驾驶汽车The immature penis considered in psychoanalysis as the libidinal object of infantile sexuality in the male.性本能机体的不成熟阴茎精神分析论中,认为是男性幼稚性欲的性本能机体的不成熟阴茎。A naive idealist who supports philanthropic or humanitarian causes or reforms.社会改良空想家幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者。young是什么意思:adj. 年轻的;年轻人的;年幼的;初期的;没有经验的n. 年轻人;幼崽You young monkey小淘气鬼It is written by an obscure young poet.这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的。 The young man has a fine person. 那小伙子相貌堂堂。childish是什么意思:adj. 孩子的;孩子气的;稚嫩的,幼稚的;天真的Crying for things you can't have is childish.想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。A stupid,disgraceful,or childish act or performance.傻事,儿戏,轻率之举愚蠢的,丢脸的或孩子气的行为或表现The vocal part of this song is sung in a childish voice.这首歌曲的歌唱部分是用童音进行演唱的。 naive是什么意思:adj. 天真的;幼稚的,轻信的;未经正规训练的;未有过经验的n. 天真的人He is such a naive.他真是个天真的人。Children always ask naive questions.小孩子总问天真的问题。He is so naive as to believe such a lie.他竟然幼稚得连这种谎言都相信。

