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造型的英文:make a modelmolding

参考例句:This fountain pen with a gold nib looks smart, writes smoothly, and will assist you in attaining success.金笔金笔,造型气派,书写流利,助您成功。The Danes prefer the graceful and modest fishing boats to the bigger more modern factory ships比起现代化工厂生产的大型船只,丹麦人更青睐造型优雅,大小适中的渔船。Figures of the lion were not used exclusively by the royal families in imperial arts as were the dragon and the phoenix.狮子不像龙、凤一类神禽异兽,作为皇家专利,只出现在宫廷艺术的造型中。Attractive appearance造型美观Vivid shapes造型活泼The modeling is peculiar and the design is novel.造型奇特,设计新颖。Sand casting - hand molded-machine molded (and shell)砂型铸造-手工造型-机器造型(和壳型)Huang usually drew lines to form the body shape of his figures.黄胄的人物画以线造型These ancient art objects are beautifully shaped.这些古代工艺品造型优美。These plastic articles for daily use have an attractive appearance.这些塑料日用品,造型美观。make是什么意思:v. 做;制造;生产;使得;获得;准备;引起;开始;使成为,产生;构成n. 形状;样式;制造;构造;品牌a man of this make这种性格的人 make an example of1.惩罚...以儆戒他人 make a dive for向¥冲去 model是什么意思:n. 模型;模式;典型;模范;模特儿;式样v. 模拟;模仿;做模特儿;做模型;塑造adj. 模范的;典型的They are viewed as models.他们被看作模范。 At last,the author was setting forth the models of the crisis intervention.Including generic model or individual model,examination or valuation model,setting question model or comprehensive model,seven-stage model,compound group model.对此,人们从不同角度进行了研究,提出了一般模式与个别模式,检查与评估模式,解决问题与综合模式,七阶段模式以及复合团队模式等多种危机干预模式。 To use or follow as a model.仿效,效法当作一个模范来使用或追随 molding是什么意思:n. 成型,制模,铸造;装饰用的嵌线The gap would be mold of the member. 缝隙将是构件的铸模。They are cut from the same mold.他们是一个模子刻出来的。The furniture molded in the old house.那所老房子的家具发霉了。

