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暗示的英文:drop a hinthintsuggestsuggestion

参考例句:Suggestive of; hint of暗示;使联想The act of prompting or giving a cue.提醒,暗示提醒或给予暗示的行为She bridled at the indelicate suggestion.她对不得体的暗示发怒了。Your statement is implicit that I was wrong.你的陈述暗示我错了。The band director cued the drums to begin.乐队指挥暗示鼓手们敲起来。The prime minister hinted at a possible reshuffle of the cabinet首相暗示内阁可能要进行改组。The right to suspend may be embodied in the contract of employment by express or implied incorporation停职权可通过明示或暗示一并纳入雇佣契约内。The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting.这一新报告对广播业的前途有些意味深长的暗示.His dapper self-confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints这类的暗示似乎动摇不了他坚定的自信。His dapper self-confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints.这类的暗示似乎动摇不了他坚定的自信。drop是什么意思:v. 落下;降低;垂下;停止;终止;放弃;与…断绝联系n. 落差;球状糖果;珠,滴;少量A small amount of liquid;a drop.少量液体;一滴 low-velocity drop低速度空投 high velocity drop高速度空投 hint是什么意思:n. 暗示;建议;线索;少许v. 暗示,示意What are you hinting at?你在暗示什么?She hinted at this possibility.她暗示会有这种可能性。This hint was enough to bind my hands.这个暗示已够使我束手无策了。suggest是什么意思:v. 建议,提议;暗示;启发;使人想起He suggested the meeting into an uproar. 他的建议让会议陷入骚动。I am open to suggestions. 我愿意接受各种建议。Your suggests are super valuable.你的建议十分宝贵。

