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参考例句:The atmosphere of that restaurant is very nice!那家餐厅的氛围很好!Sphere Gizmo(Atmospheres)球形线框(氛围)Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.谈心活动有助于造成员工间和谐的氛围。I was fascinated by the architecture and vegetation of the Anhui villages, by their quiet atmosphere and style of life我对安徽乡村的民居建筑、草木植被以及那儿的平静的氛围与生活方式简直是着了迷Danger lurked in the atmosphere. 氛围中隐藏着危险。Exciting work environment令人振奋的工作氛围The atmosphere borders on the surreal.这种氛围近似梦幻。An aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters. 失败的氛围笼罩着候选者总部。We have even more reason to create for them an environment where we peacefully coexist.我们更应该为它们创造一个与我们和睦相处的氛围。The mysterious plateau atmosphere helps bring forth people's pious religious belief.青藏高原神秘的氛围形成了高原民族虔诚的宗教心理ambience是什么意思:n. 气氛,格调;周围环境The overall ambience of the room is cosy.房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适。It depends on three aspects: first, the safeness of the slope and ambience is ensured. 一个设计方案是否合理主要取决于三个方面:第一是能保证边坡及周围环境的安全。Landfill should be final covered to reduce the effect to the ambience when over used. 填埋场达到使用寿命后要进行封场处理,以减少对周围环境的影响。The velvet curtain with ornamental engraving increases the romantic ambience in your room.镂花天鹅绒窗帘,给居室增添浪漫的气息。The creation of ambience for the customer (e.g. in hotels and restaurants).为顾客创造氛围(如在宾馆和饭店)atmosphere是什么意思:n. 大气,大气层,大气圈;空气;气氛,环境,氛围;引人入胜的效果;大气压;雾v. 使具有感染力The director cleverly atmosphered the film for added chills.导演手法巧妙地着意渲染使电影更增添恐怖气氛。The atmosphere was electric.气氛很热烈。The atmosphere of that restaurant is very nice!那家餐厅的氛围很好!This is a key laboratory of atmosphere sounding.这是个大气探测重点实验室。Our tests are not polluting the atmosphere.我们的试验并不沾污大气层。

