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工作经验的英文:hand-on background

参考例句:Please keep track of your working experience.请你登记你的工作经验。As the enclosed resume indicates, I have had four years’ experience in production control.如信中履历所示,本人有4年的工作经验.Her medical interest is general medicine with an emphasis on digestive system hemorrhage and cardiovascular disease.有20年二甲医院急诊科及内科工作经验,擅长内科常见病及急危重症(休克、肌梗塞、吸衰竭、性中毒、消化道出血、血管意外等)处理,尤其是心血管疾病及呼吸系统疾病的诊治。 For wider experience为扩大工作经验There's no specification of the experience required.不需要说明工作经验。Working experience in advertising.有广告方面的工作经验。He has ten years of experience in software publishing.他在软件发布行业有十年的工作经验。It makes great difference to a job seeker if he or she has some working experience.对找工作的人来说,如果有些工作经验就大不一样了。His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道。University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的人,有工作经验的将优先录取。background是什么意思:n. 背景adj. 背景的melt into the background逐渐消失|渐渐由浓变淡 The CSS background properties define the background effects of an element.层叠样式表中的背景属性为元素定义了一个背景效果。There is a sense of aliveness in the background.在背景上有一种活力的感觉。A daemon is a process that runs in the background. 守护进程是在后台作业运行的程序。 There was a lot of background noise. 背景噪音很多。



