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参考例句:It'll require indomitable will to accomplish the task.完成这项工作需要百折不挠的毅力。A strenuous test of ability and endurance.考验能力和毅力的艰苦测验Unrelenting perseverance不屈不挠的毅力Success depends on perseverance.成功在于毅力。He has no backbone.他缺少毅力。That young man lacks stamina.那个年青人缺乏毅力。Perseverance is vital tosuccess.毅力对于成功是不可或缺的。What you lack is perseverance.你就是缺乏毅力。It takes a lot of strength to kick a Bad habit.除掉坏习惯需要很大毅力。Hes a clever man, but fails in perseverance他是个聪明人,但缺少毅力。perseverance是什么意思:n. 毅力One of the first principles of perseverance is to know when to stop persevering. ——Carolyn Wells坚持不懈的首要原则之一是知道什么时候停止坚持。——韦尔斯perseverative set固着心向 Victory belongs to the most persevering胜利属于最坚强不屈的人Success belongs to the persevering坚持到底必获胜利Perseverance is the only road to success不屈不挠是取得胜利的唯一道路willpower是什么意思:n. 意志力It took all my willpower to keep rounding them up to try again我费了好大的力气才把它们拢在一起,然后再练。None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition.在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。He had now lost even the small amount of willpower needed to do this!他现在连这一点决断都没有了!The sense of the might and willpower of the American nation streamed up to me from the august assembly从这个庄严的集会中,我不断地意识到美国这个国家的能力和意志力。You won't need to rely on willpower to quit your net surfing; lack of battery power will do it for you.你无需依靠意志力来退出网上冲浪;断电能帮你做到这一点。



