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队长的英文:captainteam leader

参考例句:captain a basketball team当篮球队队长She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.她以当学校啦啦队队长而自豪。The captain is negotiating with them for the use of the gym.队长在跟他们交涉使用体育馆的事。The captain decided to play him as goalkeeper.队长决定任用他担任守门员。Richard is the captain of the football team.理察是这个橄榄球队的队长。The captain was out for three,ie after having made only 3 runs in cricket.队长仅跑垒三次后出局.The fire warden told us not to light matches near the gas station.消防队长告诉我们不要在靠近加油站划火柴。At school she had been captain of the hockey team and had won the gymnastics trophy two years running.上学时她做曲棍球队长,连着两年得了体操奖杯。At seventeen he had been a district organizer of the Junior Anti-Sex League.到十七岁,他便当上了反性青年团的区队长。The conductor of an expedition远征队队长captain是什么意思:n. 船长,指挥,海军上校,首领,队长,上尉 v. 做首领;指挥,率领The vice captain leads the team when the captain is ill.队长有病时,副队长领队。He was gazetted as captain vice Captain Jones promoted.公报上刊载他被任为上尉以代替迁升的琼斯上尉。They piped the captain on board.他们以笛声欢迎船长登船。team是什么意思:n. 队;组v. (使)合作This is a scratch team.这是支临时凑起来的球队。innovative team 创新性团队Our team tied the visiting team.我们和客队打平了。leader是什么意思:n. 领导者;指挥;领唱;首席小提琴手;负责人;领先者;佼佼者Then you select the leader. 然后你们选出指挥。 The two leaders are struggling for power. 那两个领导人正在争夺权力。The leaders of the interest will help you.业内的领导们将帮助你。



