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参考例句:Enjoy Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola)请您品尝可口可乐。(可口可乐)Bottle or glass of Coca-Cola一瓶或一杯可口可乐.Wanna coke?想喝可口可乐吗?Enjoy Coca Cola.请喝可口可乐。He sucked Coke through a straw.他用吸管吸可口可乐。Have you got any Coca-Cola?你们有可口可乐吗?What do you say to Coca Cola?来点可口可乐怎么样?Things go better with Coca-Cola.饮用可口可乐,让人万事可乐。The coco-cola frothed as it was poured out.可口可乐倒出来时泛起泡沫。Things go better with Coca-cola.喝了可口可乐,你会万事如意。coca是什么意思:n. 古柯,古柯叶Coca cola is a household word throughout the world.可口可乐是个全世界都家喻户晓的词。Coca-Cola made by a patented formula offers you a unique and unforgettable taste.可口可乐,专利配方,独特口味,令君难忘。As any traveler can testify, a bottle of Coca-Cola costs more in Europe than the U. S. 恐怕不少旅客就知道,一罐可口可乐在欧洲的售价要比美国贵。The clear sky, red Coca-Cola trucks, remarkable banner and cheerful JM persons form a vibrant picture.晴朗的天空,红色的可口可乐运输车,醒目的横幅以及兴高采烈的津美人构成了一幅生动的画面。 I heard the Coca-Cola machine motor humming even before I saw it甚至在看见可口可乐机之前就听到了其马达发出的嗡嗡声。cola是什么意思:n. 可乐The little boy had drunk his fill of Cola.小男孩将可乐喝了个够。Coca cola is a household word throughout the world.可口可乐是个全世界都家喻户晓的词。Today Coca-Cola is again marketing its cola in China. The new characters used on the bottle translate to “happiness in the mouth.”现在Coca-Cola公司又在中国推销其饮料。印在瓶子上的“可口可乐”这四个字使人产生美好的联想。Coca-Cola made by a patented formula offers you a unique and unforgettable taste.可口可乐,专利配方,独特口味,令君难忘。A carbonated soft drink containing an extract of the cola nut and other flavorings.可乐类饮料一种含有可乐果提取物及其它调味品的碳化软饮料



