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成绩的英文:result,score,mark,achievement等。例句:A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board(一个男孩儿正忙于在一块板上记录赛跑成绩)。



Enclosed herewith is my score report form the department concerned.附上各科成绩的报告单。He graduated with honor from the university? Give me a break.他以优异的成绩大学毕业了?得了吧!A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board一个男孩儿正忙于在一块板上记录赛跑成绩。The swimmer was timed at 50.50 sec.这名游泳者的成绩被测定为五十点五零秒。Marvelous, Lance from USa has docked 10 seconds to set a new 100-meter world record.好极了,美国的兰斯用10秒的成绩刷新了100米世界记录。If students fall too far below this standard, they may be placed on probation.如果学生的成绩远远低于此的话,校方可能把他们列为“试读”。Even if the students whose grades are ecumenical may become whiz kid in the way of mending habit of study.即使成绩一般的学生也可以通过改进学习习惯而成为优等生。In the discus events, Lewis scored 67.52m at the final throw.在掷铁饼的项目中,刘易斯最后一次试掷的成绩是67.52米。When the first grading period ended, April was disap- pointed when she got a B-minus in math, Lucille continues.“但上半年成绩出来时她很失望,因为她数学只得了个B一,”吕西尔接着说。In the women's l00 Breaststroke,Germany's Sylvia Gerasch triumphed with a time of 1 minute 9.36 seconds在女子100米蛙泳赛中,德国的西尔维娅.格拉奇以工分9秒36的成绩获胜。

result是什么意思:n. 结果;后果;成绩;成果;(足球比赛的)胜局;成效v.(因...)发生,(随...)产生

The result of such an analysis.化验报告,分析结果这样化验的结果resultant force合力The result is paradoxical.结果是荒谬的。

score是什么意思:n. 得分,分数;刻痕;账;宿怨;二十;大量;总谱;配乐v. 得分;记分;获得;刻划;把…记下;牢记…的宿怨;为…编写总谱;为…配乐

settle a score, grievance, etc清算旧仇、 积怨等.He scored a great goal.他射入的一球真绝。I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了比分。

mark是什么意思:n. 符号;记号;分数,成绩;污点;迹象v. 做记号;做标记;表明方位;标志;庆祝

Marking: Every package shall be marked with “SM” in diamond and marked the package number.麦头每件包装应刷上菱形图案内有二字,并应刷上件号impress a mark on [ upon ] a surface=impress a surface with a mark在表面上打记号To mark or mottle with spots.有斑点,成斑驳用点作标记或使斑驳杂色
