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董事长 英文

董事长 英文


参考例句:The director has been keeping mum about the firm's future plans.董事长对该公司的未来计划一言不发。the presidential chair总统[总裁、议长、校长、董事长等]的职位[地位]The share certificate is signed by the chairman of the board of directors and sealed by the company.股票由董事长签名,公司盖章。The plans were set in motion when the company president signed the document."当公司董事长批下公文时,这计划便开始作业了。"It's a great pleasure for me to preside at this dinner in honor of Chairman x我为能在此为….董事长主持晚宴而深感愉快The chairman of the directors did not receive Walker yesterday because he was a walk-in.董事长昨天不接待沃克,因为他是未经预约而来的。It 's the president on the other end of the line!那边是董事长!Mary is private secretary to the company chairman. 玛丽是公司董事长的私人秘书。a dummy director in a company公司中的傀儡董事长The director handles his staff well.董事长善管人事。

chairman是什么意思:n. 主席,会长;董事长He is slated to be the next chairman. 他被提名为下一届议长的候选人。 He is the chairman of the commonwealth of artists.他是艺术家协会的主席。I have to say this, Madam Chairman.主席夫人,我不得不这么说。The board of directors has a chairman and may have one vice-chairman if necessary.董事会设董事长一人,可以视需要设副董事长。The method of election of the chairman and vice-chairman is specified in the articles of association.董事长、副董事长的产生办法由公司章程规定。



日期 英文