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出发的英文:start outset off

参考例句:Set out; take off;decorate出发;装饰;发表;设计Sail for; head for向(某地)出发;前往Leave A for B; depart A for B离开A向B出发That one leaves on the fourth of April.那辆车于4月4日出发。They were poised for departure.他们为出发做好了准备。When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days他出发的时候,单人航海世界记录是93天。The party takes packed lunch when they set off on their walk in the mountain .当这队人出发步行去山里时,他们带着盒饭。Start from the needs of the people, not from self-interest.从人民的需要出发,而不是从个人利益出发。Finally still have to pack up and set off.还是打起背包就出发。You'd better leave right away.你最好马上出发。start是什么意思:n. 开始,起点;动身;开动;震惊,震动v. 出发;开始,着手;发动;创办;惊起Then It'started to break into pieces. These pieces started to move apart. 然后它开始分为很多块。这些分开的板块开始移动,分开。 He started coughing blood.他开始咳血了。His hearing has started to go.他的听力开始衰退。out是什么意思:adv. 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行adj. 外侧的;偏僻的prep. 通过…而出;沿着…而去n. 借口,托辞 pref. 外,超过,出,向外be out for the count拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 Out of the Blue从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour.当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。set是什么意思:v. 放置;点缀;树立;凝固;落,沉;使坐落;点燃;结果n. 一套;装置;布景;凝结,凝固;集,集合adj. 规定的;固定的,不变的;固执的;顽固的;准备好的,安排好的perseverative set固着心向 plastometric set塑性变形 A coded character set whose character set is an alphabetic character set一种编码字符集,它的字符集是一种字母字符集。



