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配件的英文:fittingsmountingsreplacement (parts)accessories

参考例句:blanket subassembly再生区配件 A handy gadget.有用的小配件。I like to buy imported accessories like cufflinks.我喜欢买像链扣之类进口的配件。The division has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.该部门已开发出一种新产品,其需用一个订制的配件。fitting ,of base metal, for trunks, chests, suitcases and similar travel goods皮箱、衣箱、小提箱和类似旅行物品配件,贱金属制 The assemblies of the whole Body is combined by spot welding and Bolting.整个车身的所有装配件都是由点焊或螺栓组装起来的。Division X has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.X部门已发展出一种新产品,其需用一个订制的配件。To some extent the smaller the assembly, the more adaptable is its manufacture to automated techniques在一定程度上,装配件越小,其制造过程对于自动化技术的适应性也就越强。Accessories & spares delivered to your door配件送货上门。Attachments to a reaping machine收割机的配件fittings是什么意思:adj. 适合的;适当的;相称的n. 装置;设备;试衣This cap fits you better.这顶帽子对你更合适。To join by or fit into a gain.在腰槽内连接或配合 This car is fitted with radial tyres. 这辆车配有子午线轮胎。mountings是什么意思:n. 装备,装配adj. 逐渐增加的v. mount的ing形式mount a theater production; mount an attack'; mount a play.上演戏剧作品;上演一次攻击;上演一部剧本。 Is it theresilient base mount type?这就是弹性底座安装式 ?the diamond was in a plain gold mount.这个钻石嵌在一个金底板上。 replacement是什么意思:n. 更换;代替;归还;复位;代替者;补充兵源Insertion and replacement插入和替换 She replaced the receiver. 她将听筒放了回去。a substitute; a substitution; a replacement代替物



