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出版社的英文:publishing house

参考例句:Oxford University Press牛津大学出版社The publishers are going to reprint it出版社将再版该书。We are planning to set up a publishing house.我们正打算建立一家出版社。freelanced the article to a magazine publisher.为一位杂志出版社自由撰稿The titles in a press's fall catalog.出版社秋季出版计划中的书目The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.这本书出版社已印了10000册。In-house typesetting: Typesetting carried out inside a publisher's premises, and controlled by the publisher.内部排字:设于出版社内,并由它控制的排字工作。The publisher of the book is Thompson Publishing House.这本书由汤臣氏出版社出版。The press will give publicity to the fact. 出版社将把事实真相公诸于世。 The book arrived by mail form the publisher.出版社寄来的书到了。publishing是什么意思:n. 出版(业)adj. 出版(业)的v. publish的现在分词;出版The publisher of the book is Thompson Publishing House.这本书由汤臣氏出版社出版。The review is published quarterly.这期刊每季度出版一期。Have they reviewed these newly published books?这些新出版的书,他们写了书评没有?a reader; a publisher's reader审稿人 The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.法庭的裁决将于星期三公布。house是什么意思:n. 房子,住宅;家庭,家人;家族;棚;观众v. 给……房子住;容纳;藏有Not far from Sunshine Rock is a fine bathing beach known as Gang'Zi'Hou which is smooth and velvety like a carpet离日光岩不远,是港仔后海滨浴场。这里,黄澄澄的沙滩像柔软的地毯铺在岸边。It is all on the house.费用全由敝店支付。 withering house风干棚 floor of the House英国议会中议员的座席|议员席 In the dog house窘迫,陷入困境

